Saturday, November 29, 2014

Some JQuery Plugins

JQUERY.PANELSNAPAPUERY.PANELSNAP : Panels that appear on scoll, inluding a side menu

Can be used for Kanban!!!!

JQuery Sidebar - Comes from any side of the screen, can be used for secondary menu or for special options to an experienced user, like shortcuts.

JQuery Plugin for FullPage site, can be used for Presentations. Respond to mouse scroll.
Does not respond to touch events,( yet)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

SharePoint 2013 and Office Web App

Steve Mann installing the OWA server and connecting to SP2013 :
Microsoft Tech on installation, configuration and Installation :

Angular JS Partial Dynamics Loading Links

Question in a StackOverlow with examples :
Fiddler with the example for the solution above, partial loading example with timers :

Controller and Controller loading Documentation:

Creating a Visualization App Using the Google Charts API and AngularJS, at SitePoint: